Frequently Asked Questions

The Humans Love Love Foundation is a 501(c)(3). All donations made are tax-deductible.


Yes, we are a 501(c)(3) so you will be able to deduct your charitable contribution. Feel free to contact if you have any specific questions regarding our status .

Yes! Please call (415) 237-1826 during business hours and we will assist you. 

Monday – Friday 

9am – 5pm PT

Yes but your donation may not be tax-deductible in your country.

We take many measures to ensure that our website and your donations are secure. More information can be found in our privacy policy. 

The majority of funding will go directly to grants. A small percentage will go toward keeping our foundation operational. Feel free to check the annual report for a full breakdown.

Each donation automatically receives a receipt in a follow up email. Please contact us if you did not receive one.

Please contact us by email or phone to discuss other alternative ways you can help besides donating money.  

(415) 237-1826

Our logo is trademarked, so sadly the answer is no.

Please check our get involved page for other ways you can help.

We would love to hear from you! Please get in touch with us through email.


Although you may help someone complete their application (which must be disclosed), applications cannot be filled out on behalf of someone else.

The person applying for the grant must fill out their own application. 

Unfortunately, we cannot accept late applications. Make sure you stay updated by checking our website and social media pages. We will post reminders of approaching deadlines.

Besides our website, following us on social media is a good way to keep up to date.

We have Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.

US residency is required to apply for a grant. This does not exclude undocumented residents. 

Feel free to apply even if you don’t have an existing diagnosis. Those who have been diagnosed should let us know in their application.

The applications are read by real people who are aware of the struggles of mental health, so be as open and honest as you can be! The more details, the better. Let us get to know who you are as a person. This isn’t a “who has it worse?” process; we want to help as many people as possible! Your experiences are valid just as they are. 

Every application is read thoroughly and considered. However, doing things like making sure you apply as soon as the application opens and filling out the information thoroughly and accurately will increase your chances. 

Due to our size, we can only accept a certain number of applications. Applying as early as possible ensures that your application will be included.

Our grant is for your mental health wellbeing! It can be used for therapy sessions, medication costs, wellness classes, rehabilitation centers, and other similar mental health resources. We work with each recipient individually to decide where the grant would serve them best. Every circumstances is different, so feel free to reach out with any specific questions regarding what a potential grant could be used for. 

Please contact us if you have questions about reallocating funds. 

Yes you can! Please make sure to fill out the application for past recipients. 

The grant money is taxable. You will need to complete a W-9 IRS Form. Grant recipients are responsible for including information concerning these funds on their personal income tax statement. 

We work on a case by case basis. If you’re having difficulty on your own, we can help find resources for you in your area, or perhaps connect you with help online.

Support the
Humans Love
Love Foundation

Thank you so much for your generosity. Big or small, your donation will make a difference in someone’s life.